Parking Lot Services of Florida

PLS Dumpster Pad Installation Service

The average person throws his trash in the dumpster without thinking twice about how it functions and what goes into its dumpster pad installation. Dumpster rest on pads that are made with an array of different materials yet concrete is strongly preferred by anyone “in the know”. Garbage trucks and enormous metal dumpsters apply a remarkable amount of force to the pavement. The sturdiness of concrete prevents denting, bending and the formation of dimples. This is precisely why concrete is the preferred material for dumpster pads. Unlike other inferior materials such as asphalt, concrete serves to preserve the pavement’s integrity. The slab can be strengthened even further with the addition of wire mesh or a metal rebar. This combination of materials creates an incredibly formidable base that is capable of withstanding amazing amounts of force.

The optimal dumpster pad stretches out between a total of 10-15 feet in front of the dumpster. Such a position permits the trash truck’s front wheels to be positioned on the pad without any potential for structural failure. Garbage trucks often leak due to the significant strain put on their internal hydraulic system. If oil leaks out onto the concrete, its integrity won’t be compromised. The same can’t be said of a comparatively weak and inferior asphalt base.

A Look at the Dumpster Pad Installation Process

  • The dumpster pad installation begins with a marking of the area where the dumpster pad will be positioned.
  • Warning barriers are established to improve the site’s safety. This preventative action benefits both employees and civilians.
  • A smooth and even edge is generated with a jackhammer along the perimeter of the current pad or asphalt.
  • The existing material is hauled off to a recycling facility.
  • If the subgrade conditions are unacceptable, the thickness of the concrete should be increased to 8 inches. If these conditions are tolerable, the pad’s thickness should be half a foot.
  • It might be necessary to add in some crushed stone. Most installations require between 4”-8” worth of crushed stone that will be thoroughly compacted with a vibratory tamper.
  • The next step is the installation of a 6 by 6 #10 wire mesh that has been properly welded. Another possible option is a #4 rebar (half-inch) that strengthens the slab. Such a rebar will be positioned in a “t” shape and connected with wire. The wire/rebar is set upon chairs so they remain firmly in place in the center of the slab. Wire/rebar that moves to the lower segment of the concrete will not provide any assistance in the effort to bolster the matrix.
  • At this stage, the concrete is set with metal or wood forms. In some instances, the nearby asphalt or concrete will do the job.
  • A 3,500/4,000 psi, air-entrained concrete is then used to pour the pad. This style of concrete is perfect for concrete as it strengthens the integrity of the material to withstand Tampa Bay’s harsh rainstorms.
  • The concrete is then troweled until it is level. In some situations, the slab’s control joints will have to be scored. Concrete expands and contracts, resulting in eventual cracking. The control joints can be positioned to create square-shaped segments to prevent excessive cracking over time. Dumpster pad experts will testify that the square pattern is ideal as it decreases the chances of random cracks within the slab that eventually cause cracks within the joints. The largest these squares should be is 15′ by 15′.
  • Projects involving considerably large slabs or concrete pavement might require the use of expression joints. You can trust PLS’s pavement experts to assist with the positioning of such expansion joints.
  • A broom finish is applied after the concrete has partially set.
  • Once the concrete has completely settled, strip forms and transport them away from the job. It might be necessary to apply dirt along backfill voids where the forms were originally positioned.
  • Any remaining debris will be discarded.
  • The dumpster pad is given a full week to settle. If necessary, average-sized automobiles can drive along the area. Heavier traffic is redirected away from this delicate area.

PLS encourages prospective clients to contact us today for a free analysis and project quote. We offer dumpster pad installation and a variety of parking lot services.  You can reach us by phone at (813) 880-9100 or our contact form.