May 30 2020 0Comment

Why You Should Schedule Asphalt Crack Repairs Before Major Hurricanes

Repair asphalt cracks before major hurricanes cause extensive damage.

Many business and property owners prefer asphalt paving since it’s cost-efficient, long-lasting, and safe for users even in wet conditions. But as your parking lot experiences traffic, the test of time, and harsh weather conditions, it starts deteriorating. To maintain the high quality asphalt, you need to put in place a workable asphalt repair and maintenance plan. It’s especially important to carry out asphalt repair cracks before the beginning of hurricane season.

Why You Need Asphalt Repair and Maintenance Plan

Regular parking lot maintenance means involving a professional contractor to evaluate and make asphalt repairs and maintenance. The evaluation helps detect any cracks or damages on your parking lot and repair them before they advance. Doing asphalt crack repairs before the onset of major hurricanes prevents severe damage from the rainwater seepage. In addition, asphalt repair and maintenance offer the following benefits:

Prevents Small Cracks from becoming Potential Potholes or Developing into Alligator Cracking

Completing asphalt crack repairs as soon as possible helps preserve the base and the subgrade of your parking lot. In this case, crack sealing should be completed using a sealant to help prevent sub-grade issues or the development of cracks into potholes. Alligator cracks and potholes are not only complicated to repair but also pose safety threats to parking lot users. Repairing the small cracks in a timely manner increases the longevity of your parking lot by three to five years.

Asphalt Cracks Repairs are Fast and Cost-effective

There’re several types of parking lot repair and maintenance procedures that help increase the durability of your parking lot. However, asphalt crack repairs are the most economical repairs that help revamp the condition of your parking lot. Besides, the procedure is extremely effective in producing long-lasting results. In addition, asphalt patching and repair is fast and has minimal disruptions.

Prolong the Lifespan of Your Asphalt Paving

Carrying out asphalt repair as soon as you note small cracks developing on your parking lot prevents vegetation from growing from the cracks. As time passes by, leaves and debris accumulate on the cracks, making them habitable for weeds growth. The roots of these plants exert pressure on the pavement, causing the cracks to enlarge. If the hurricane comes before you repair these cracks, the water seeps through them, causing permanent damage.

Eliminates Repaving Costs

The hot Florida weather is notorious for causing cracking on asphalt paving, especially if the parking lot is advanced in age. In some cases, the heat causes cracking even in newly laid asphalt that is poorly installed or lacks preventative procedures such as sealcoating. Failing to do maintenance before the hurricanes will attract astronomical repaving costs soon after the storms.

Prevent Water Infiltration During the Rainy Season

Water infiltration is the worst thing that can happen to your asphalt paving. If the stormwater permeates through your asphalt paving, it causes expensive or irreparable structural damages. If there’re cracks on your paving during the hurricanes, the water will erode the asphalt and expand to create potholes or depressions. You can prevent this from happening by hiring asphalt repair in Tampa as soon as you start noting hairline-like cracks.

Get Timely Asphalt Crack Repairs

Whether you’re a property manager or a business owner, it’s essential that you perform a routine checkup and regular parking lot maintenance. At Parking Lot Services in Tampa, we offer various parking lot asphalt repair services.

Our services meet the ADA compliance requirements and include:

  • Asphalt crack repairs
  • Asphalt sealcoating in Tampa
  • Parking lot striping
  • Asphalt paving
  • Parking lot repair and maintenance.

Contact PLS for Asphalt Repairs and Maintenance Before Major Hurricanes Arrive

Contact PLS today for asphalt repair in Tampa and schedule a no-cost consultation for asphalt cracks repair before major hurricanes hit Florida. It’s imperative to schedule an inspection and the necessary maintenance and repairs for your parking lot before any major hurricanes arrive in Florida.