How an asphalt seal increases the lifespan and improves the visual appeal of your parking lot.
Understanding how to keep your parking lot in excellent condition is vital for business owners. Scheduling parking lot sealcoating services is a great way to save yourself a lot of money and boost the curb appeal of your business’ parking lot. Applying an asphalt seal will give your parking lot a fresh appearance and increase the chance of attracting new customers. Typically, it is recommended to schedule sealcoating services every three to five years.
Here are a few of the main reasons why it’s essential to have an asphalt seal on your parking lot.
1) Create a Positive First Impression
One of the easiest ways to boost the curb appeal of your business is to keep your parking lot well-maintained. Asphalt seal is an excellent way to give your parking lot a much-needed makeover and allow you to attract many more customers for your business. Visitors will immediately notice the black luster of your newly sealcoated parking lot, as it is a great way to make a strong first impression with customers.
2) Protection Against UV Rays
The constant exposure to UV rays can cause a lot of damage to your parking lot over time. This is especially true in Florida and other areas of the country with a lot of sunny weather. One of the most effective ways to protect your parking lot against UV rays is to invest in professional asphalt seal services. Sealcoating will fill any surface voids for an added layer of protection against UV rays and the outside elements.
3) Easier to Clean
Keeping your parking lot clean and well-maintained is essential for business owners. An additional benefit of using asphalt seal services is that it makes your parking lot much easier to clean due to its smooth appearance. Employees can quickly sweep your parking lot, which boosts productivity and makes their job much easier. A well-maintained parking lot is also a great way to attract more customers and increase the bottom line for your business.
4) Resist Oil and Gas Stains
Another advantage of sealcoating service is that it protects your parking lot against oil and gas stains. These stains are always an unsightly appearance while also creating a safety risk for your employees and customers. However, investing in parking lot sealcoating is a great way to prevent oil and gas from penetrating through the surface of the asphalt, which plays a key role in boosting the lifespan of your parking lot.
5) Asphalt Sealcoating Limits Cracks
A heavy flow of traffic will eventually cause your parking lot to wear down and make it susceptible to cracks. However, sealcoating services increase the flexibility of your asphalt pavement, which helps to reduce the number of cracks and potholes. Sealcoating your parking lot every two to three years is an excellent way to limit damages and reduce the need for scheduling asphalt repairs.
Reach Out to PLS to Learn More About Parking Lot Sealcoating
PLS offers a wide range of parking lot services for customers throughout the Tampa area. Our goal is to always provide the best services available at an affordable price. We have many years of experience in the industry, whether you need asphalt patching and repair, sealcoating, asphalt paving services, and much more. Feel free to give PLS a phone call today for a no-cost consultation and learn more about the many benefits of scheduling parking lot sealcoating in Tampa!