Signs all parking lots need to manage traffic flow and keep everyone safe.
Creating a safe parking lot for your visitors is essential for businesses and commercial property owners. One way to improve safety is to invest in parking lot signs. The signs all parking lots need are wide-ranging, such as fire lane signs, stop signs, handicap parking spot signs, and many other types of parking lot signage. Following a detailed checklist can also help ensure you stay in compliance with local laws for parking lot signage.
Here are a few of the most common signs all parking lots need.
Entrance and Exit Signs
Entrance and exit signs make it much easier to control traffic flow and minimize the chance of any traffic jams. Offering clear directions for entering and exiting your parking lot will make it less likely for a vehicle to be going the wrong way or having to perform dangerous U-turns.
Directional Parking Signs
Another important sign for traffic control is a directional parking sign. These signs will direct each driver on how to navigate your parking lot, which reduces the chance of an accident. Directional parking signs are also useful if you need to direct customers to park behind your facility or in other parking areas.
Speed Limit Signs
Speed limit signs aren’t only used on the highway, but they also play a key role in improving safety in a parking lot. These signs remind drivers to check their speed while navigating a parking lot due to the number of pedestrians. Installing speed bumps is also helpful in reducing the speed of vehicles.
Handicap Parking Signs
Reserved parking for anyone with a disability is critical to staying in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). You need to provide at least one handicap parking spot if you have 25 or fewer total spaces. A reserved parking sign for handicapped drivers is always required for handicap parking.
Stop Signs
Signs all parking lots need always include stop signs to further improve safety. These signs remind drivers to stay aware of other vehicles while also helping to control traffic. Stop signs are important to install near loading zones while also posting them at the end of your parking space.
Fire Lane Signs
Fire lanes need to be cleared at all times due to safety. These reserved areas make it possible for the fire department to easily access your building in the event of an emergency. Installing fire lane signs will help to keep this area clear of any vehicles while also creating a safe environment for everyone.
Pedestrian Crossing Signs
Pedestrian crossing signs are critical in keeping drivers aware of anyone crossing your parking lot. These signs can help reduce unsafe driving while also making it easier for visitors to navigate your parking lot while walking. A pedestrian crossing sign will check the traffic and reduce the chance of an accident.
Parking Lot Property Signs
Parking lot property signs are important in only allowing customers to use your parking lot. Installing these signs can help to limit solicitation while also providing additional security. Making sure these signs are clearly visible will ensure only visitors to your business will use your parking lot.
Customer Parking Signs
Customer parking signs make it possible to designate parking spots for your clients. A reserved parking sign improves convenience for your customers by making it much easier for them to find a place to park. Reserving parking for your customer is a small yet important way to show you appreciate the business of each one of your clients.
Parking Prohibited Signs
Parking prohibited signs will prevent visitors from parking in certain areas. These types of parking signs make it easy for visitors to understand where to park, as you may need a specific space to use as a loading zone, access to the dumpster, or any other activities.
Reach Out to PLS to Learn More About Signs All Parking Lots Need
Parking Lot Services (PLS) understands the importance of installing parking lot signage to create a safer environment for your visitors. Understanding all of the parking lot signs needed for your business is a great way to stay proactive while always staying in compliance. Besides offering signs all parking lots need, we also specialize in asphalt repair and installation, concrete services, parking lot striping, and much more.