Learn about new asphalt equipment.
Over the past few years, various industries have embraced the use of computational intelligence tools and advanced statistical methods for big data analysis. In asphalt paving, intelligent systems such as pavement management system, PMS, allow engineers to monitor asphalt mixtures compaction and paving in real-time from anywhere. Engineers in the industry use the tools to learn patterns and correlations from the data and determine the outcome.
In parking lot repair and maintenance, density is used as the primary parameter for determining the pavement quality. By using application intelligent construction systems in parking lot maintenance, contractors can monitor mixture delivery and compaction, hence motivate better craft. This article discusses the new asphalt equipment and why you should use them for parking lot repair and maintenance.
Paver Mounted Thermal Profiling (PMTP)
This sensor technology is mounted on pavers that measure the asphalt surface temperature profiles behind a paver. The temperature sensors, which are either thermal camera mounted on a paver or scanning infrared, are used to indicate the potential for temperature segregation. To improve the asphalt paving quality, PMTP is often used with Intelligent Compaction. The temperature profiles have a 30cm by 30cm grid, whereby an average surface temperature is indicated for each grid.
The PMTP paving technology uses big data analytical methods, hence has a positive effect on all areas of pavement management. Below are ways PMTP and machine learning can be used to ease parking lot repair and maintenance.
- Categorizing pavement cracking using surface images
- Helps determine optimal treatments
- Identifies pavement distress
- Predicts future performance at a more granular level
Intelligent Compaction Rollers
The compaction process is critical for achieving high-quality and long-lasting asphalt pavement. Old compaction methods barely produce compacted pavements that meet the expected performance status. With the material and construction cost being high at all times, poor-performing parking lots are unacceptable. That’s why the introduction of integration compaction (IC) as part of the new asphalt paving technology is good news to engineers and parking lot owners.
What is Integration Compaction?
Generally, IC is the software, hardware, and analysis equipment system installed in the roller to improve the compaction process. The technology is mostly used in vibratory rollers than static drum rollers. Vibratory rollers use the dynamic force of the weight of the roller and the rotating masses in the roller drum to apply compaction effort. IC uses accelerometers to measure how materials respond to the impulses impacted by the rollers.
Using IC rollers has three significant capacities:
- Determining the measured value of the material during compaction
- Adjusting compaction effort asynchronous
- Developing a color-coded mapping on the area being compacted
When you consider these capacities, IC has the potential of revolutionizing the compaction equipment industry, leading to crucial changes in the compaction process. Other benefits of IC asphalt equipment include:
- Improving the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the compaction process
- Providing continuous real-time feedback to the operator
- Measuring material stiffness during the compaction process
- Adjusting compaction effort, hence optimizing the rolling process
IC rollers must have the capability to make and execute decisions to qualify as intelligent. It must also have specific features which include:
- A measuring and recording system for stiffness
- A GPS-based documentation system for providing color-coded mapping during compaction
- An automatic feedback system that can report varying compaction effort on stiffness measurement
A roller with these three features helps optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of the compaction process. However, current technology-based asphalt equipment has only one or two of these features and still manages to allow significant improvements in monitoring compaction of asphalt mixtures.
Bottom Line
The current compaction and acceptance procedures need to be improved consistently to provide the desired density in asphalt pavements. One way to address these issues is by embracing new asphalt equipment such as PMTP and IC rollers.
Contact PLS for Parking Lot and Asphalt Maintenance and Repair
It’s also essential to hire an asphalt paving company that is willing to provide you with all your parking lot maintenance needs. At Parking Lot Services, we strive to provide you with the best concrete and asphalt services in Tampa. If you’re looking for parking lot repair, maintenance, or have a query concerning asphalt repair in Tampa, feel free to contact us.