Category: Parking Lot


How to Save Money in your Asphalt Repair Budget

There are steps you can take to save money in your asphalt repair budget. Parking lots are major investments that have the potential to become money pits if not properly maintained. However, few paving contractors are willing to show customers how to save money on parking lot maintenance, repairs, and other projects. Follow these tips […]


How Erosion Affects Asphalt Paving

How Erosion Affects Asphalt Asphalt is bound to erode in due time, regardless of its location or the quality of material used. Those who are proactive and maintain their asphalt will enjoy a surface with a longer useful life. Everything from the pressure of vehicles to fluctuations in temperature, the sun’s ultraviolet rays, and moisture […]


What is Asphalt Oxidation and How Does it Damage Asphalt?

Asphalt Oxidation begins as soon as asphalt is laid. Exposure to oxygen is problematic in that it triggers molecular processes in asphalt that create new polar sites, or “bonding sites.” The spike in polar sites permits molecules to move around, seeking bonds that help them reach a stable thermodynamic state. This push toward equilibrium continues […]


How Serious are Parking Lot Drainage Issues?

Drainage issues are a serious threat to the integrity and functionality of your parking lot. Water can compromise the integrity of your parking lot. Parking lot drainage issues result from poorly-designed drainage systems. If your lot lacks the proper drainage, you may face a variety of problems as time progresses. These drainage issues can compromise […]


Refresh Your Parking Lot Pavement Markings

Asphalt maintenance is essential to preserve the integrity and appearance of your parking lot. After all, you spent good money having your lot installed so it only makes sense to invest in regular upkeep. Refreshing pavement striping and other markings are an essential component of parking lot maintenance. Pavement markings should be refreshed every one […]

Banner - Why Maintaining Asphalt Pavement is Vital to the Growth of Your Business

Why Maintaining Asphalt Pavement is Vital to the Growth of Your Business

If you are responsible for any sort of commercial property, you should be mindful of the parking lot. This often overlooked space is easy to forget about as you only venture to it twice per day. Proper parking lot maintenance ensures this important space proves reliable, safe, and visually pleasing. Forego maintaining asphalt pavement and […]

commercial asphalt paving in tampa

Facts About Commercial Asphalt Paving in Tampa

When it comes to commercial asphalt paving in Tampa, some business owners are understandably unaware of the basics of the industry. If you own any sort of commercial property in the greater Tampa Bay area, you can benefit from understanding the basics of asphalt paving and maintenance. Inspect the Integrity and Safety of Your Parking […]


Asphalt Pavement Cracks

Asphalt pavement cracks must be repaired in a timely and precise manner to prevent gradual degradation, unsafe conditions, and personal injury lawsuits. Asphalt is preferred by business owners and everyday people across the globe for its strength and durability. Like every other surface, asphalt is prone to damage from the elements and other forces. Take […]