Category: maintenance


Tips for Parking Lot Safety by PLS

Parking lot safety is the most important aspect of a parking lot. Focusing on parking lot safety is a top priority in creating a safe environment for both employees and customers. A well-maintained parking lot is one of the best investments you can make for your business. This investment will enhance the entire appearance of […]


Why You Must Maintain Your Commercial Parking Lot

Your commercial parking lot will require care to continue to function at its highest level. Why You Must Maintain Your Commercial Parking Lot Commercial parking lots are commonly overlooked as most business owners are steadfastly focused on the quality of their services, products, and customer service. The quality of your lot can define the reputation […]


Why Traffic Markings Should Be Updated Regularly

Keep your parking lot safe by keeping traffic markings fresh and up to date. Parking lot markings gradually fade away due to exposure to the traffic from above as well as exposure to the rain, hail, automotive fluids, and more. In some cases, it makes sense to completely eliminate faded or poorly-painted striping before it […]


Tampa Sports Court Maintenance Tips

There’s no reason to spend on a big ticket item if you allow the value to gradually decline due to neglect. Sports courts tend to be fairly expensive, which makes sense to maintain them with regularity. However, merely sliding a broom across the courts every once in a while will not suffice. Professional Tampa sports […]