Category: Curb Appeal


How Professionals Repair Hairline Cracks in Concrete

Learn from professionals on how to repair hairline cracks in concrete. Hairline cracks can eventually appear in concrete overtime. These cracks often occur due to plastic shrinkage, which is the rapid loss of moisture from newly installed concrete. Fortunately, these cracks shouldn’t have too much of an impact on the concrete, and they are fairly […]


What to do If You Notice Cracks in Your Concrete

Learn a few different tips on what you need to do if you notice any concrete cracks in your pavement. Concrete cracks can eventually appear over time. These cracks often start out small but will usually get worse if you don’t make any repairs. Too many cracks in your concrete don’t only hurt the curb […]


How UV Rays Damage Asphalt and How to Avoid this Damage

Learn different tips on how to protect your asphalt pavement by limiting UV ray exposure. Finding ways to keep your asphalt parking lot safe from ultraviolet rays isn’t easy. UV ray damage is especially common in Florida due to the excessive heat during the summer months. Taking proactive measures to limit the damages from UV […]


How Does Concrete Crack?

Learn how concrete cracks form and some tips to prevent this common problem. Concrete is frequently used throughout commercial properties, whether it’s sidewalks, patios, or parking lots. Installing concrete is a great option due to its durability and low maintenance. However, cracks can eventually appear within the concrete over time. Learning how concrete cracks are important […]


10 Tips for Sidewalk Maintenance for Your Business

Here are a few tips to remember for sidewalk maintenance. Sidewalk maintenance is essential for the safety of your customers and employees while also maintaining curb appeal. Contacting a company that offers concrete services is an excellent way to keep your sidewalk looking great at all times. These professionals can easily repair a damaged sidewalk […]


How to Remove Oil Stains from Asphalt Parking Lots

Removing oil stains can be difficult and lessen the appeal of your commercial parking lot. Asphalt is one of the best paving materials with many parking lot owners using it for their parking lots. To prolong its durability, you must schedule the right maintenance and repair services. When various issues affect the aesthetic appeal of […]


Tampa Parking Lot Striping Recommendations

Tampa parking lot striping is essential for every business parking lot. A perfectly striped parking lot looks inviting and makes an important, positive first impression. Not to be overlooked, Tampa parking lot striping also enhances the property’s safety. These clearly marked lines show customers and other visitors where to drive and park. Tampa Parking Lot […]


Refresh Your Parking Lot Pavement Markings

Asphalt maintenance is essential to preserve the integrity and appearance of your parking lot. After all, you spent good money having your lot installed so it only makes sense to invest in regular upkeep. Refreshing pavement striping and other markings are an essential component of parking lot maintenance. Pavement markings should be refreshed every one […]